Seller About

Level Up Your About Section:

From Meh to Magnificent - Unlock the Power of Story:  

1. Talk about how your shop started.

Tell people the interesting details of how your shop came to be. This includes: 

The spark: What first made you want to open this shop? 

Big moments: What were some important milestones along the way? 

Changes over time: How has your shop grown or transformed since it began? 

Sharing these details helps customers connect with you on a personal level. They get to see the real-life story behind your shop. 


2. Show off your shop with great pictures and videos! 

Beautiful photos: 

  • Show customers your workspace and how you create your products. 
  • Use clear, well-lit pictures with simple backgrounds. 
  • Take close-up shots and photos showing your products in use. 

Eye-catching videos (optional): 

Videos can impress journalists and show you're prepared for press attention. 

If you can't afford a photographer, focus on good lighting, backgrounds, and product details. 

Here are some photo ideas to get you started: 

Products: Show your products in their best light! 

If you make paintings, picture them hanging on a wall. 

If you're a potter, showcase your dishes on a kitchen shelf or dining table. 

Workspace: Give a glimpse of your creative space! 

Use natural light if possible, and tidy up the area for a clean look. 

If your workspace is naturally messy, make sure it looks cool! 

Creative Process: Capture yourself making your products! 

Don't be afraid to pose naturally for these shots. 

Arrange your tools and background thoughtfully, and dress how you like to represent your brand. 

Experiment with angles and consider using a tripod if needed. 

You: Include a professional-looking portrait of yourself that reflects your personality and brand. 

3. What sets you apart? 

In your words: Talk about the special things that make your shop unique.  

Do you use unusual materials? 

Do you have a one-of-a-kind production process? 

In your pictures: Show off these unique aspects with high-quality photos and videos.  

Let your visuals highlight what makes your shop stand out from the crowd! 

4. Show the people behind the magic.

Introduce yourself and your team: Let your customers know who's making the awesome stuff they see. 

Include everyone who helps run the shop, even if it's just you! 

Mention any outside folks who contribute to your creations. 

Snap some pics: Share some recent photos! 

Show your workspace and the people who bring it to life. 

These glimpses will help customers connect with your story. 

Connect on social media: Make it easy for people to find you online! 

Include links to your latest social media accounts.