Top-Notch Listings

Get More Sales with Top-Notch Listings.

Strong listings can help your products rank higher in Begum searches, which means more people will see them. Here are some tips to make your listings shine: 

Imagine shoppers searching for amazing products on Begum. 

*Begum wants to show them things they'll love and actually buy. 

*So, Begum looks at how many people click on a listing and then favorite it or buy it. 

*The more people who take action on a listing, the higher it ranks in search results. 

*Basically, happy shoppers mean your listing gets seen by more people! 


Here's a breakdown of how Begum determines listing quality in a simpler way: 

New listings get a chance to shine! 

Begum gives new listings a temporary boost in search results to see how shoppers! 

What makes a listing "high quality"? 

Begum looks at how shoppers interact with your listing, like: 

1. Clicking on  

2. Favoriting it 

3. Actually buying it 

Begum predicts the future (kind of!) 

*Based on past shopper behavior, Begum tries to guess if people will like your future listings 

*If you sell unique items, Begum considers how popular your past listings were to predict future success. 

The key to higher ranking? Happy shoppers.

By creating listings that people love and buy, you can improve your search ranking and get your shop seen by more people. 

Be Seen, Be Loved: Mastering Begum Search for More Shoppers 

The first step to more sales? Getting people to click on your listings! Before someone buys your amazing stuff, they need to see it in search results and want to learn more. Here's how to make your listings stand out: 

1. Grab Attention with Your First Photo! 

a. This is the first thing shoppers see in search results, so make it count! 

b. Show your item clearly and use an eye-catching image to draw people in for a closer look. 

 2. Craft a Clear and Compelling Title 

a. Help shoppers understand what you're selling quickly. 

b. Highlight what makes your item unique in the first few words. 

c. Keep it short and easy to read. 

3. Consider Price 

a. Shoppers compare prices, so factor that into your strategy. 

b. Offer a variety of price points to reach different budgets. 

4. Stand Out with Special Offers 

a. Run sales or offer free shipping to attract attention. 

b. Free shipping listings get a boost in search results. 

c. Discounted listings show up in the "On Sale" filter. 

5. Build Trust with Reviews 

a. A high average star rating builds trust and encourages clicks. 

b. Ask satisfied customers to leave positive reviews! 

Turn Browsers into Buyers: Conversion Rate Strategies for Success 

So, someone clicked on your listing! 

Now's your chance to turn that click into a sale and boost your listing's score. 

Imagine you're buying a ... 

What info would make you decide to buy it? You'd want to know things like: 




Here are some tips to give shoppers all the details they need to make a purchase: 

Here's a breakdown of the key areas to optimize your listings for conversions: 

1. Show More Than Just the First Photo! 

*You got the click with your first image, now reel them in with more! 

*Use all 10 listing photo slots to showcase your product from different angles. 

*Help shoppers understand size, style, and use with additional photos. 

*Example: Show art styled in a room or a statement ring on a model. 

2. Write a Clear and Engaging Description 

*Short, informative, and interesting descriptions convert better! 

*Put essential details like size, color, and ordering info upfront. 

*End with a brand-focused story about your product. 

*Use relevant keywords naturally within the first few sentences. 

*Don't just list keywords or copy your title. Write naturally and informatively. 

3. Set Realistic Processing Times 

*Many shoppers buy gifts or need items for specific dates, so consider processing speed. 

*Be honest with processing times, especially for ready-to-ship items. 

*Offer shipping upgrades for urgent needs. 

4. Be Strategic About Shipping Costs 

*Price matters! High shipping costs can scare off buyers who love your product. 

*Consider factoring some shipping costs into your item price. 

*Experiment with lower shipping charges and see how customers respond.